I found them.

I found our new foster daughter's bed. I have had an idea in my head of the kind of bed that I wanted, but just hadn't found it yet at the price I was looking for. I wanted a bed that you would walk into her room and go "yep, this is definitely a girls room". So I finally found the ultimate little girls bed. As you can see from the pictures, it is a castle with pink side and it even has a little built in table for tea parties. I even got pink Disney princess bedding to go with it with valances for the window and a Little Mermaid storybook pillow. I can't wait to get the room finished and wee how it looks in there.
Also I think I found our new camper today. It is 11 ft long and should fix all the problems that we have with our current camper. 1st it has a queen size bed that goes the long way so I won't have to step on Don in the middle of the night to go pee. It has a full bathroom with sink and shower, a refrigerator with separate freezer and a built in ice chest off to the side for your drinks. The bunk has a little bit more head room, (the one in our current camper Bug barely fits in). It also has an automatic lift/leveling system. So that you can easily get it on and off the truck and also leave it at the campsite if we want to hop in the truck and go do something. I left a deposit on it and will take Don to go see it and make a final decision after he gets back on Sun.
Unfortunately on the way to go see the camper my car started to smoke and make a funny smell, I stopped and took a look at it, but couldn't find anything obviously wrong with it.
Then after I got back I was going around these S curves that have a center divider and miss judged the corner and hit the divider and took out both the driver side tires. I ended up calling Don's friend Kent to come and help me. Luckily Don keeps our snow tires on separate wheels, so Kent just went to the house and picked up two of my snow tires then came and changed them for me. It's been a long night so I'm off to bed.
Unfortunately on the way to go see the camper my car started to smoke and make a funny smell, I stopped and took a look at it, but couldn't find anything obviously wrong with it.
Then after I got back I was going around these S curves that have a center divider and miss judged the corner and hit the divider and took out both the driver side tires. I ended up calling Don's friend Kent to come and help me. Luckily Don keeps our snow tires on separate wheels, so Kent just went to the house and picked up two of my snow tires then came and changed them for me. It's been a long night so I'm off to bed.