Bug at the Hospital
Bug getting into his room having his head taped down so he can't move.
Today instead of enjoying a friend's birthday party and relaxing in the afternoon and going out for an early birthday dinner. Bug and I spent the afternoon at the local Children's Hospital.
Bug was jumping in a bounce house at his friend's party and apparently decided to do a somersault and missed and hurt his neck. Bug being who he is (our own little drama king,) got out of the house just fine, walked over to where I was sitting climbed into my lap and then started screaming his head off.
We ended up sitting at the party for 45 minutes with me trying to decided if he was actually hurt enough to justify taking him somewhere to be looked at, or if I should just take him home. I tried call Blue but no luck, so I called the urgent care to get their opinion and they said I should take him in, but not to them. That I should take him to the hospital so they could run some tests.
At this point Bug is still in my lap with me holding his head in one place, he is determined that I not move him and I keep thinking to my self I am not about to call an ambulance over this. (Before you think oh, what a horrible mom, please remember that Bug is a huge drama king. If he gets sick he will keep telling me "I don't think I'm going to make it." I finally had to explain to him that saying that was like saying he was going to die. Also he walked over to me from the bounce house in the 1st place, not crying at all.)
Finally I decide to try some Tylenol, but he is still screaming his head off intermittently and it's been at least 45 minutes so I tell him I am taking him to the hospital. He is freaking out yelling "you can't move me". So I get his friend's parents to help me, I carried him and they opened doors and moved stuff out of the way in our truck. I ended up just laying him down on the seat, no belt or anything and driving him to the hospital.
By the time I get there I can tell that the Tylenol has started to kick in but that he is still in pain and their is no way he is going to let me pick him up and carry him into the hospital and then wait around like that in the waiting room. So I went in and told them what happened and they sent two nurses out to put a cervical collar and bring him in. When they try to move him he starts screaming bloody murder. On the way to the hospital he had asked me how they were going to get him inside and asked if they had some sort of board that they could just slide under him to carry him inside. Well he got his wish they ended up bringing out a backboard and putting him on a stretcher to take him inside. Of course once they got him inside and turned on the Harry Potter movie for him any moans of pain became very intermittent. He ended up getting a CT scan of his neck and Xrays of his back, both of which turned out fine.
We could have gone home an hour earlier, but after they checked his scans and saw that everything looked fine,they took the collar off and asked him to move his neck and he told them it hurt too much to move. So they had to put the collar back on, give his some ibuprofen and then take another set of Xrays from a different position to be double sure. Of course they also came back fine and we explained to Bug (Don had arrived by this time), that if he didn't turn his head, even though it might hurt that he was going to have to stay the night at the hospital without mom and dad or watching any more TV. Then he decided he could do it after all. So when the Dr came in the next time Bug turned his head and they let us go home. We ended up putting Bug straight to bed out of sheer frustration. the funny thing is they even gave him some Tylenol with codeine before he left the hospital and it didn't do a thing for him, he still stayed up until after 9:30 and continued to complain of pain. We'll see how he is in the morning.