
Showing posts from March, 2008

My funny bunny

Today our MOMS club playgroup had an outing at polka dot pottery, that is one of those places where you paint your own pottery. So we get there and the 1st thing Bug sees is this big vase, "OH look mom at the vase I can make for you!" So I tell him lets look around and I show him all the neat little figures and banks and all the other cute things for kids and after looking at all that he says, "OK now can we go get your vase?" So while all the other kids made figurines and banks and stuff for themselves, my funny bunny made me a beautiful vase. I will have to post a pic of it when I get it.

Our trip to Seattle

We took a trip to Seattle at the beginning of the month with my friend Brenda and her boy just to have some kid time with the boys. It was such a blast! Here are some pics of the boys having fun. We went to the Children's Museum one day and The Point Defiance Zoo the next day. It was a whirlwind trip but great fun. Also we stopped at the outlets in North Bend and TCP was having a fabulous sale, I bought 11 shirts, 4 jeans, 5 pairs of jammies and 2 pairs of shoes for about 50.00, plus they have a gymboree outlet so I got a couple of cute shirts there too. I love trips with a little something for everyone, yeah!

Good to see you all again.

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I somehow got locked out of my acct and just finally had time to figure out the whole thing and get back in here. Life is good around here but I am starting to feel like we will never have any spring. As I sit here typing we are having quite the snow storm outside. It just keeps coming and coming. I have decided to go skiing again this weekend, we might as well take advantage of it. Bug took ski lessons throughout Feb and Jan and has become quite the little skier. He has even done his fair share of black diamonds, he does OK with the steep ones but gets too tired on the ones with lots of moguls. It's amazing how quickly they learn at this age. He has had some excitement the last few weeks, he got cast in a local children's theatre production of Annie (he will be one of the street urchins). It is a very minor role but that is perfect for his 1st time out, good experience with out too much memorization. Also he has lost his 1st tooth,

Our little star

Bug has his 1st rehearsal today for his play, Annie. It was just a read through. Which is just a chance for all the actors to meet and then read through the play for those that have never seen it. I was amazed at how great some of these people were and they haven't even practiced yet. Bug's role isn't in the written play so he just got to sit and listen to everyone. The director is writing in a special role for the boys. There are 5 boys in the "street boys gang" one older boy and 3 others around Bug's age. It should be interesting, I have never done anything like this before so it is brand new to both of us.

Fish Tour

This morning our MOMS club hosted a tour at our local fish hatchery. They start out with a little video overview (see pic). Then they take you up to the stream that feeds all the water that they use and you get to see the indoor tanks and all the stages of the baby fish and eggs and then you get to go outside and throw fish pellets to the big fish. After that we just got to wander around the different tanks and see all the different kinds. Bug is getting to be such a great reader, we walked around to all the different tanks and read what each kind were. Including the Brown, Cutthroat and Rainbow. He has just been learning about compound words, so the last 2 kinds were perfect examples of these.

Busy Easter Weekend

We hosted an Easter Egg hunt for our MOMS club playgroup on Friday, we were hoping to have it outside but of course we had a big snow storm that morning, so we ended up splitting the group in 2 and have half hunt downstairs and half hunt upstairs. We ended up with around 13 kids and had over 250 eggs. We started out with decorating cookies while everybody arrived, then we did the egg hunt and then awarded prizes, (I had also hid #'d eggs) and then we were able to play outside a for a little while. Besides the snow it was an excellent day, in fact I was so busy that I didn't get a chance to take any pics of it. I will have to check around and see if I can get some from someone else. After the egg hunt Bug went to our Church's Drive In Movie. This is an annual event that our church hosts for the kids (instead of an egg hunt) to give them the reason behind Easter. All the kids make their own box car (with help from mom & dad). Then they get to sit in their car and watch a

Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt

Last night we went to our second annual Flashlight Easter Egg hunt. It is a very nice event put on by the local Parks and Rec. They hold it at dusk in one of the local parks. Each child is given a number and then there are 10 eggs hidden with that # that they are supposed to find. It is so fun watching all these little kids running around with their flashlight looking for just the right egg. At the end if they find them all then they get an additional prize. We went with our best friends M & C and their boys and one of their friends. They ended up being late but because you only get your numbered egg it worked out fine. Then we went out to Red Robin for some dinner afterwards.