Ice Cream Anyone?

Yesterday we went on a really fun outing with our MOMS club to take a tour of Cold Stone Creamery. We got there a little late, because we stopped in at a K12 get together and had a drink (it was at a coffee house). I got a chance to ask if they were changing over to the new math this year. Which they aren't so that made me feel better about my decision to drop K12 this year and go a different direction with our homeschooling.
Anyways at Cold Stone, they broke the group up in to 2 tours and they then took them through the back and showed them how to make the ice cream, then showed the their super sized fridges and freezers and how to make waffle cones and cups , then let them have taste of the ice cream they saw being made (see pic.) After the tour was over the kids got to order their own scoop, with whatever they wanted. There servings are always so huge, even though Bug got the smallest size he still tossed half of it away. But it was delicious while he ate it.
Later in the afternoon, he had a couple of friends over for a play date, they ended up playing in his room which really surprised me since, he has been gaga over the dirt pile in the back yard ever since Don created it. It was a nice relaxed day, i didn't even have to work, so just spent the day with my boy.