K's vacation Tue.

Tuesday we took K, Bug and a family friend C to Silverwood for the day. It was a great thing we took C with us because, Bug ended up with a huge headache and spent most of the day laying down in the EMT's room taking a nap.
We started out over in the water park, but it was still a little chilly out, we tried one of the tube rides and Bug said it was to cold, then we tried out a bigger tube ride that we could all do together and Bug was still to cold, so I let the girls take off and go ride the slides together and Bug and I went to the wave pool to play while the waves were turned off, (he doesn't like to waves). When Bug got out he mentioned he had a headache and kept saying how cold he was. So when we met up with the girls, they went in the wave pool and Bug laid out in the sun to warm up, then we had lunch go dressed and headed over to the rides. Bug was still cold so I put my sweatshirt on him.
We decided to start out on the roller coaster, since Bug had decided to try it again this year and C had never been on one. Everything was fine until it started and then almost immediately Bug started crying that his head hurt, but after it starts your out of luck. By the time the ride was over he was practically hysterical crying how his head hurt. We went to check if they had any medicine we could give him but they only had adult strength.
So I sent the girls off to ride the rides and went to try and get back to the water park , so I could get my phone and call Don to see what he thought about giving him one of the adult strength pills. Unfortunately Bug is heavy so we kept having to stop, we ended up getting about half way back when we wouldn't let me move him again, luckily one of the staff boys came by and asked if he was OK and I asked him to go get the EMT. So that is how Bug spent most of the day in the EMT's room. He ended up taking a nap, drinking some Gatorade and eventually taking one adult pill of ibuprofen. By 3:30 he was up and starting to feel more chipper, I got him a stroller and pushed him around for the afternoon (and also K at times).

While I was dealing with all that the girls had a blast, they rode every roller coaster at the park, plus the Panic Plunge and the brand new roller coaster Aftershock, which goes up to 65.6 MPH and has 3 inversions. After we all met back up and Bug was feeling better K convinced me to go ride it with her. It is very fast, I kept my eyes shut the whole time, which definitely improved the ride.
The rest of the day went fine C and I climbed the rock wall, Bug got to go on some rides and we all went on the Paratrooper. We left a little after 7 and stopped and had pizza on the way home. We ended up getting home a little after 9, so it was a long day. Kind of stressful for me but the girls had a blast and Bug ended up having fun in the end.