This week Bug is going to a VBS at a local church, it runs from 9-3. Which is very nice in a way but also very strange. I took him in this morning and hung out with him for a few minutes while he got adjusted, then I went to the grocery store. Which was all fine but when I had to pass back by the church to head home it felt weird not having him, then all day at home I went back and forth between enjoying my time getting things done around the house and checking to see if it was time to pick him up yet. I got there to pick him up about 15 min early and waited around anxiously, when he finally came out he looked so tired, he seemed to have a good time but he did say "they sang for HOOUURRRS" and did not get to go out and play on the playground, but he is looking forward to going back tomorrow. This will be a strange week without him home all day. But it will be good practice for him because he will be going to a campfire day camp in a couple of weeks where he will be picked up