A skiing we go....
We have even been getting up skiing and the mountains can definitely use a few more inches. It is like spring skiing conditions, which isn't all bad.
Bug is signed up for a home school ski program at our local mountain, it is 6 weeks of lessons, every Friday from 10-12 for only 60.00, (which is a phenomenal deal). Last Friday was his 1st lesson and as we were heading up there all we could see was fog, fog and more fog. This mountain is known for being rainy and foggy, so I didn't think much of it. But just before we reached the top, we got above the fog and it ended up being a gorgeous day up there. (see 1st pic)
Bug got started with his new lessons, I was a little nervous because this is such a huge program, there were at least 100 kids up there. At 1st they had him signed up as a never ever, so we got him moved to the other group, then they took the whole troop to the top of the bunny hill and had them ski down, so that they could divide them up further. He ended up in a group of advanced level 2, which seemed to be a pretty good fit for him. They didn't ski much after all of that, but they get to stay with the same group and teacher for the next 5 weeks so it should go faster after this.
Here is bug listening to the teacher (3rd from the right).
I wasn't planning on skiing but it was so pretty up there, I ended up buying a pass and getting in a few runs, unfortunately I looked like a total hillbilly, since I didn't have my bibs or gloves with me so I ended up skiing in my jeans. Oh well it was worth it.