Swims like a fish?
Swim lessons actually stress me out. Bug is not very driven when it comes to athletic things (I know he is just 5), but he has been is swimming lessons since he was 3. He
has taken public, semi-private and private lessons for about 3 years now and he is still no where near swimming. He just finally moved out of the very basic class, the one where they are just trying to make them comfortable in the water. Some days as I am watching him I feel like he is going to be the only one who just never gets it. Even the lesson he is in stresses me out, he is in with 2 barely 4 year old kids (Bug will be 6 in a couple months). The kids his age are off swimming in another area and there he is hanging out with the babies and even then they are beating him in races. I know I am a horrible parent to feel this way but aaarrrgg! I just want him to be the best at everything, is that asking too much? What happened to the good ole days when we just tossed kids in to the deep end and made them swim. Isn't that how we all learned?
OK back to reality, at least he looks super cute in his little wetsuit, he thinks he is a Surfer Super Hero when he wears it. His best friend is having his b-day party at a pool in a couple of weeks, so at least he will be comfortable in the water and able to play with the other kids. I will probably even have him wear his wet suit, so if you see him make sure not to give away his real identity.
Have a great Memorial Weekend, hope you get a chance to do something fun. We are headed to a friend's house for an overnight. I'll post about it next week.