We had a fabulous trip to Seattle last week. We started out late on Sun; 1st we went to church then we stopped by that community garage sale. So we didn't even head out of town until 1:00 or so. Then we stopped in N. Bend and did some shopping. I was in desperate need of some summer shoes and ended up buying 5 or 6 new pairs. Then we headed over to my sister's house and got there around 8:00 and put Bug to bed.So on Monday we started out the day at my favorite bakery in Black Diamo
nd they have the best carmel nut donuts in the world, similar to maple bars but a thousand times better. Then we headed to the library to check emails and times and prices for a few things. After that we went to the Experience Music Project (EMP), where bug got to be a serious rocker (see pic on right). He is giving me that "your messing up my vibe," look. He takes his music very seriously.Next we were going to have lunch up at the space needle but they stop serving lunch at 3 and I wasn't able to drag him away from EMP until after 3:30. But I did get this great pic of him with the needle.Since we missed lunch and we had some time before we were supposed to meet his Grandy and Papa (my in-laws).
We decided to 'Ride the Ducks.' If you haven't seen
these before they
are old army vehicles that can go on land and water. We had a fantastic driver/tour guide. 1st they take you around downtown Seattle ie. Pike Place market, Pioneer Square, the Seattle Art Museum and then they take you over the Aurora bridge and down to and into lake Union. The 1st pic has Gas Works Park behind us and the 2nd one has the space needle. We got to see the house boat from Sleepless in Seattle and one of the boats from World's Deadliest Catch. You can't tell from the pic but Bug had a wonderful time. The driver is hilarious and plays all sorts of fun music along the way.

After this we me Grandy and Papa for dinner and then they took us to a glow in the dark putt putt golf place. Bug was more excited about making his ball glow then playing but that's OK. He did get his 1st hole in one though and even one a prize by getting it in the hole on the final hole. By then it was well after 9:00 so we headed back to my sister's to get a Bug to bed.
On Tuesday we went and picked up Bug's 1/2 brother DJ and went to the Woodland Park Zoo. It was a perfect day for the Zoo, not to hot, not to cold. And especially for Seattle NOT RAINING!
It was nice for Bug to spend some time with his brother. DJ is disabled and although Bug always wants to go see his brother generally when we go visit him he spends all his time hanging out with DJ's brother and sister. Since he doesn't really understand how to interact with DJ.

Going to the zoo was a perfect idea. They got to spend some quality time together "just monkeying around"

Spinning with the spiders.

Bug showed his brother all the animals, held open the door for him and told him all the info that he had on any of the animals. He really got to spend some time feeling like a brother. After the Zoo we went and grabbed some dinner and took DJ home and then went to an ice cream social with Wava (Bug's home school organization). With my friend Tonia and her 3 girls.
On Wednesday we relaxed most of the day and spent some time at the library. Bug got to listen to story time and look for books on Guinea Pigs. We are thinking of getting some when we get home, instead of the dog that we promised him. In the afternoon we went to the Tacoma Kids Museum where I took this fabulous pic of Bug on their climbing wall. It was a nice place but it ended up that we were the only ones there and I was looking to take a little break. Luckily there was this VERY nice lady there who played all sorts of pretend games with Bug, he had a blast and I had a chance to sit and read. Very successful day.

On Thur we went out to Ft. Nisqually in Tacoma w/ Tonia and the girls for a tour of the fort with WAVA. I thought it was all very interesting, but Bug spent more time playing then listening. I have to say though there have been times where I thought Bug was just playing and was later shocked by how much he was actually learning during that time. So hopefully that is the case with this. Some of the buildings are original but most of them are recreations. I would love to take him another time when they have the re-enactors out doing all the various tasks. I think that would definitely peak his interest.