Garage Sales & a Parade
Today I finally had my garage sale, I have been dying to clear out a bunch of stuff around the house. Honestly I would like to move and leave everything hear and start over in a new house. But since I couldn't do that , this was the next best thing.
During the garage sale Bug's best friend E was dropped off to stay the night, so the boys played most of the afternoon and we headed out around 6:30 to go to the Parade, Uncle Martin had run home to get something done around the house and decided to meet us down there. So we headed downtown and tried to park at our usual spot but they had no parade parking signs up this year so we had to park next door.
The problem was that I also love to go to garage sales and one of my favorite community garage sales was also today. So I got up at 6:30 this morning, went downtown to drop off our chairs for the Torchlight Parade ( I love that you can drop off chairs to hold your spot for the parade and still have them there in the evening). Then I went up to the community sale and looked around for a bit, I picked up a couple slides and a kitchen. Then I headed home to get my sale set up.
My uncle Martin got there about a half hour after me to help. I had already sold the biggest thing by then, the playhouse climber that I got for free a couple of weekends ago, sold 1st thing while I was setting up for 250.00 not bad for free. The sale turned out pretty good, I sold a bunch of toys and got rid of a bit of the other stuff. Also Bug had a Lemonade stand to raise money to help with the building at our Church. He made about 10.00 which at a quarter a cup isn't too shabby.
By 3:00 I was beyond done, so we piled pretty much everything that was left on the corner and listed it under the free section of Craig's List. It was all pretty much gone by the time we left for the Parade.

1st we walked down to where our chairs were to make sure they were still there and that there were no problems with our spot. 2nd we headed over to get some dinner and then the boys played for a bit.
Then we headed to get some desert, Bug wanted an elephant ear and the line was really long, by the time we got that and then got chocolate dipped strawberries for E
& myself , the parade had started so we hurried back to our seats.

The Parade was really good, it took awhile for Martin to find us, but he did eventually. E made it longer than he usually does before falling asleep. I told him we are just going to keep taking him with us every year until he is finally able to stay awake through the whole parade, I figure by the time he is 12 or 13 he will make it through.
It will be sad when he does though because he always takes such cute pictures, asleep with a 60 piece marching band playing as loud as they can 12 inches from where he is fast asleep.
Good night E!