Happy Birthday to me!

I had the best birthday today, probably the best birthday I have had in many years. It started out with mom taking Bug and I out for breakfast, then Bug and I headed to church, we hadn't been there in awhile so it was nice to see everyone. Bug told his friends in class that it was my birthday so when I came to pick him up I got a bunch of "happy birthdays" from the kids and a card that he had made for me. Then we went out shopping a bit and out to lunch at Applebees. I went and got my free ice cream from Maggie Moo's and then headed home. When Blue got home we opened up all of my cards and they gave me my gift. A new Wii fit. I loooovvveee!!!! this gift. It is very very very cool. It tracks your weight, BMI and fitness level. Everytime you work out on it it keeps track of what you did and how many minutes you spent on it. Also it tracks your age so anytime one of us would hop on it it would say it looks like alykat's birthday is today, yeah me. After that we went out to dinner at Shogun's, it is one of those Japanese places that cooks the food with a flourish in front of you. On the way home we stopped at Safeway and picked up a slice of German Chocolate cake (my all time b-day favorite) and a lemon meringue pie. When we got home my mom joined us and they sang happy birthday to me and we had desert. Overall just a fabulous day.