The local Parks and Rec put on a Camo Party at one of our local parks on Tue. So we got Cole's best camo outfit and away we went. It was raining pretty good out, so I was worried that it might be canceled but my husband said Army guys don't cancel due to rain and since I didn't get any phone calls we decided to check it out.
There were about 10 boys there and it was run by 2 guys who I believe were ex marines, (I know one was but I am not positive about the other). They started out talking about the different

branches of the military and what the symbols on the Marines hat stand for. Then they taught the boys to say "Sir, Yes Sir!" Which the boys liked but were not very good at remembering, they also taught them to line up and stand at attention.
After this they took them over and taught them how to climb a rope (see pic 1), then they went for a run (in the rain, just like the real Army men), and then came back and had chow. The guys told them about a typical day in boot camp and confused the heck out

of a few of them. They kept referring to tomorrow and what all the boys would have to do. Bug was convinced he was coming back the next day to do his 5 mile run. They also showed the boys how to camouflage their faces, throw a grenade (Of course just what every little boy needs to learn) and gave them a chance to look through a night scope.
Overall it was pretty cool. Bug had a blast and got to take home a goody bag with some new Army men and even a little camouflage

duck for the bath. Which I plopped him into as soon as we got home since he was pretty wet by the end. I should have taken a pic of the tub after he was done, it was black from all that makeup. Dad had a heck of a job trying to get it off of him. Thank God for women, I went in and showed him how a real women (and a little baby oil) works!
As you can see by the last pic Bug even somewhat figured out the stand at attention part. Good job boys!