Birthdays, Parties and Scouts
Another busy week around here, especially this weekend. On Sat I worked in the morning and Bug stayed with grandma. When I got home I made French Toast for Bug, Grandma and my uncle Martin, who was over doing some yard work for us. Then after I cleaned up we headed over to Bug's soccer game. They were having a food drive for a local crisis nursery, so we lugged in a couple boxes of food. After the game, (the best one that the boys have had so far, by the way), we headed over to Michael's (craft store). They do kids crafts on Sat and this week they decorated pumpkins, Bug made his into a space ship and we even made a couple of aliens to go inside. I think it turned out pretty cute.

That evening I took Bug out to the movies to finally see Wall E. It was interesting, but it has definitely led to a lot of discussions.
On Sun we had church in the morning and then a B-day party to go to, for Bug's best friend's younger brother at one of the local farms. (Bug really thought he was quite the cowboy riding that pony).
Then an Adoption party for our friends Meegan and James who can finally call their 3 lovely kids totally their own and finished up the evening going to an audition for a local kids theatre group. Unfortunately they didn't have any roles for kids Bug's age, so he auditioned for the chorus, we will see in a few days if he made it or not. He had a good time either way.

That evening I took Bug out to the movies to finally see Wall E. It was interesting, but it has definitely led to a lot of discussions.
On Sun we had church in the morning and then a B-day party to go to, for Bug's best friend's younger brother at one of the local farms. (Bug really thought he was quite the cowboy riding that pony).
