It's been way to long....
Since I last posted. Time has gotten away from me and every time I would look at my Blog I would think "there is so much that has happened" so I would get intimidated and decide not to catch up. So now I have decided to start with today and if I get a chance I will fill in between April and now.
We too our 1st camping trip of the year last weekend (not the one that just passed). Our friend Mike found us a new camper, which Blue went and picked up at the end of June and has been working on to get it all ready to go. It is a 'brand new' 1975 camper. Mike was talking to a gal about camping and she told him about the camper that they used when she was little. Well come to find out her parents divorced like 20 years ago and her mom got the house, the shop and the camper. well she was never comfortable driving the camper so she pushed it into the shop and there it has sat. So it does really look new inside, but very retro.
We decided for our 1st trip not to wander too far from home, so we went to a place called Nine Mile rec about 20 minutes from our house. It is on Long lake and has a nice swimming area and a big sand pit for Volleyball so the kids got very wet and very dirty. Bug made friends with a couple boys who stayed at the other end from us and they played from dawn till dusk on Sat. Then went and took a nice long shower so that he didn't track all that sand in to the camper. Also my friend from work, Amanda and her family came out for the day. The are looking at possibly adopting A, so they have been spending time with her to get to know her better and so that she will be comfortable around them. In fact Amanda just started her foster training class today, one of the 1st steps in becoming a licensed foster parent. If all goes well we are hoping to start the transition to their home sometime in Nov. But we are talking the foster care system so we won't start counting those chickens any time soon.
On Sun we headed out mid morning and took the kids out on the ATVs at the local ORV park, it was fun and we found a pretty good puddle that I managed to get stuck in. I was trying to get A off my bike and killed it in the process, so after I got off we waited for a bit for Blue and Bug to catch up, but they were taking so long I decided to try to get it out myself. So I stood on the foot area on the high side, got the bike started and managed to slowly drive myself out, I was so proud of myself. A was very upset though, she thought I was just driving away without her and I couldn't stop cause I was afraid the bike would get stuck again. After that we just roamed around the park. It was hard because I don't ride enough to have confidence in my ability and then having A on the back with me just made me more nervous. But it was still fun and both kids pouted when we told them it was to to go home.
Blue and Bug hanging out before we loaded up to head home.