A lot going on.

Life has been busy the last month. With the convenience of Facebook, it is getting harder to keep up with the blog. Bug is still loving school, he has his buddies and his routines and is getting better about being ready when it is time to leave. I have had a few people ask him if he misses his old school (the home school he went to 1 day a week) or homeschooling in general and his answer was a resounding "no". So I guess we made a good choice, though I still miss him during the days that he is gone and I'm not working.

That will be easier starting this week, since I started my new job today. I have always said that if we sent Bug to school I would go back to work for someone else. So the last month or so I have been trying to find somewhere I would like, that would work well around Bug's school schedule and last week I finally found it. The place is called Elements and it is a massage clinic, the one I am working at is located way up on South hill. I am working Tue & Thu 9-2, which fits very well with Bug's schedule and eventually I will work Mon-Thur, with Friday's off like Bug.

My 1st day went well, I had 3 people, 2 of which have already rescheduled. Everybody I have met so far has been really nice and the system for watching your schedule and filling out your insurance forms is fairly easy to use. It will just take some getting used to. It will be nice to have a paycheck again. There are a lot of things that I like about having my own business, the flexibility in my schedule, getting all of the proceeds from the massages and getting to work with clients, 1 on 1 over a long period of time. But I also miss, the easiness of just showing up somewhere, doing your job, going home and getting a paycheck every few weeks. It should also make paying Bug's tuition, that much easier.

Ashley has been doing well, she comes out of her shell more and more every day. She loves to chat up anyone who is around her and has suddenly become more attached to Don lately, following him around, wanting to go out and "help" him in the garage, and saying "I love Don." She had a court date last week that went well for her. They moved up her permanency hearing, so they should start making some more permanent decisions for her in early May.

We just got back from our 1st trip of the year to Seattle, it was a really nice trip. I got to spend time with my sister, niece and nephew. We went to NW Trek and the Museum of Flight and did a bit of shopping and just relaxed. It was nice to just get away for a bit.

But now we are back to the real world of work, school and visits.


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