Here are some of the pictures from our recent trip to Seattle, the quality isn't very good, since they were taken with one of those disposable cameras.
Ashley just off the monorail, doesn't she look thrilled. It was a long walk to get to the Seattle Center and she hadn't yet seen the toys.
Ashley playing on the obstacle course at the Seattle Children's Museum.
This is the kids working on a Paper Mache pumpkin, doesn't Bug looked thrilled? He kept wanting to go wash his hands, he did not like the way the paste felt on his hands.
The kids working on their desk in the building area of the Seattle Children's Museum.
All of us together with the finished desk.
Ashley with her buddy Ernie at the Seattle children's Museum.
Bug performing in the play he made up with some of the other kids and then dragged all of the adults that he could to watch him. The other kids ran the lights and the sound effects. Seattle Children's Museum.
Bug and Ashley with Big Bird. Seattle Children's Museum.
Here are the kids on Ashley's 1st ride (that I know of) on the Monorail.
Ashley playing in the water feature, after washing her hair in it. At the Bellevue Children's Museum.
Bug playing in the water with a friend that he made at the Bellevue children's Museum.
Ashley heading up into the treehouse at the Bellevue Children's Museum.
The family Rock Band at the Bellevue Children's Museum.
We had a busy day today! 1st we tried to get a little schoolwork done, then Bug and I headed to our church for "Breakaway". This is a time for all the moms to get together once a month. We get to spend some time in prayer, some time talking and getting to know one another a little better and of course spend sometime eating, because when can a big group of women get together and there not be food involved. It was a lot of fun and they have changed the format somewhat this year, so it should be interesting. After Breakaway we headed to the fair and met Blue. Bug had such a blast riding the rides. He is of course now more that big enough for all of the kiddie rides, he even branched out and rode on some of the bigger rides in the afternoon. He was a little nervous at 1st so I told him to ask this girl if he could sit be her. Of course she said yea and you can see him chatting her up in the 1st pic. (If he stays as outgoing as he is now his teen years should be a breeze. ha ha ...
This week Bug is going to a VBS at a local church, it runs from 9-3. Which is very nice in a way but also very strange. I took him in this morning and hung out with him for a few minutes while he got adjusted, then I went to the grocery store. Which was all fine but when I had to pass back by the church to head home it felt weird not having him, then all day at home I went back and forth between enjoying my time getting things done around the house and checking to see if it was time to pick him up yet. I got there to pick him up about 15 min early and waited around anxiously, when he finally came out he looked so tired, he seemed to have a good time but he did say "they sang for HOOUURRRS" and did not get to go out and play on the playground, but he is looking forward to going back tomorrow. This will be a strange week without him home all day. But it will be good practice for him because he will be going to a campfire day camp in a couple of weeks where he will be picked up ...
My buddy Kat and her girls ended up coming to town after all. They got in at 1:30 this morning. We all got up around 9:00 and spent the day shopping, playing in the fountain at the park downtown, riding the sky ride, then we went and got Mani/Pedi's, so fun! Tomorrow we are headed out to the water park for the day. Yea! It is so nice to have her over, she even dyed my hair for me this eve. I think it turned out cute, it's hard to tell for sure until you wash and style it the way you normally do. It only took me just short of 3 years to get her to come over and visit me, but with all her complaints about the drive I am sure it will be another 3 years before she comes back, but I sure am happy that she is here now. Our bad news for the day is that our oven went kaput. My husband was cooking up Lasagana and it was taking forever. I checked on it and mentioned that the oven didn't feel very hot and so when he checked it 15 min later he realized that the element went out on it. ...