It's been a month!
Yay, it has now been just over a month since we got Ashley. She is adjusting fairly well, though of course still has moments of sadness, or asking about her daddy. We have been very busy though, so it generally passes very quickly.

Last Sunday after church we went out to our friends Mike and Cheryl. Ashley was in hog heaven, she loves animals and kept calling their place a farm. She got to see the horses and pet the dogs, she just loved following those dogs around, throwing the ball for them and petting and hugging them when she could. It was nice for Bug to get to spend a day playing with his buddy E, we have all been so busy that they haven't seen each other since Bug's bday party. We headed home at around 7 and I figured out about half way home that I had forgot my cell phone.
So when I got home, I called Mike to have him look around for it, unfortunately, I must have lost it when I was out riding the dirt bike, so I had to call the insurance company and have them send me a new one, which they took till Wed to do. In the mean time I felt like half my brain was missing.
On Tue I hosted a Fall Fest party for my MOMS club, it seemed to go well, I am always worried we won't have enough, so I ended up over buying and having plenty left over for the next event. Ashley didn't get to go because she has her visits with her dad on those days, but Bug had a great time, we put him in charge of face painting and tattoos, which he had a blast with. His pumpkins looked more like apples, but they were cute apples and his hearts looked really nice.
On Wednesdays, Bug goes to school and Ashley goes to daycare, so I got a few things done around the house in between clients. Then Thursday, Bug and I hung out, we went to the library and then down to the local children's museum to meet up with some of his friends. Then I took him and dropped him off with grandma and they went out on a date to have dinner and see the play Pir
ates of Penzance. I then picked up Ashley from daycare and gave her some apples to eat when we got home, (she had already had dinner at the daycare), while I made myself some dinner. All of a sudden I noticed it was really quiet and I looked over and there she was asleep in her chair at the table with an apple still in her hand. I took her and got her ready for bed and the 1st thing she said when she woke up was "I want my apples." Such an appetite on that one, she would eat us out of house and home if left to it.

On Friday we went with Bug's school for a field trip to an Alpaca farm. Unfortunately it was raining cats and dogs, but the kids still had a good time, especially Ashley, since she loves animals so much. Bug asked some really good questions and we got to see two babies that had just been born that morning. It was amazing how active they already were. The kids got some really nice coloring books that they worked in on the way to take Ashley to daycare, then I dropped off Bug at home with grandma and headed to work. After work since Bug's football practice was canceled due to rain, we decided to go to his Cub scouts Halloween Carnival, so I got the kids all dressed packed
up treats and Bug's pumpkin for the carving contest and drove on over to the school, to see that everything was dark, so I called the main gal to see what was up and found out from her husband that it had been canceled, boy did those 2 cry, they were both so bummed. So we ran home to see if anything else was going on but by this time it was after 7,so the only things going on were for older kids. So I ended up just putting them both to bed early.

This morning Bug had his last football game of the season, the whole team played really well and had some very nice offensive plays including one completed pass, that was run in for a touch down. Bug has made huge improvements this season and did a good job of paying attention today up until about the last 10 minutes. He even ran the ball 2 times and got a 1st down both times. Way to go.

After the game we went to TRU to look around and they had an event where the kids could build their own Lego cars and race them. They both though that was really cool. Then we went to Michael's to get some pumpkins to decorate and then to Ross to get some snow boots for Bug. We had planned to go to Border's Spooktacular celebration, but they don't have a location out in the valley where we were. So we grabbed some lunch and killed some time until the Trick or Trunk that I had read about and then we went to that. It was a very nice event with probably 20 cars or so and then you got to go inside for donuts and cider after you were done. The kids had a good time and I got some really cute pics of them in their costumes. Bug was Simba and Ashley was Piglet. Ashley was so funny, the kids were allowed to take two candies at each trunk and so she would grad one and every time I would tell her to grab another one, she would put back the 1st and grab a different one. I generally had to grab at least one of her candies each time. She did a fabulous job of saying thank you though each time which is something we have been REALLY working on with her.