Tag ..... I'm it.
I was tagged by my friend Brenda. I am suppose to post 8 random things about my college career. So here goes... 1. I went to Massage School ( Ashmead College) for a year and also took some early childhood development classes at a community college. 2. In my early twenties I got everything arranged to go to Community College to get my AA degree and got a letter saying I didn't qualify for any grants so I figured that meant I couldn't go. So I cancelled all my plans, moved to a new place and got a car. A couple weeks later I got a letter on my Financial Aid package and found out I could have easily gone to college after all. :( 3. I got pregnant immediately after starting college. 4. I was on bed rest through most of my 2 nd quarter, so I had to lay down on the table with my feet propped up during the last 2 months. 5. I had to take 6 months off during the middle of school, due to being sick while I was pregnant, then spending time with my newborn. 6. I was on attendance...