A full week with Ashley

Ashley on her 1st morning here, no smiles for the camera . Today is the mark for our 1st full week with Ashley, it has been a good week. She is slowly coming out of her shell and showing us more of her personality. I had to work at the JBF sale, on Thur - Sun, so she got to spend a lot of time with other people, but has still adjusted fairly well. Ashley "helping" Bug with his piano lessons on her 3rd day here. On Thursday she was watched by my mom, she calls her grandma and already is very attached to her. We figured this out on Wed, the 1st 2 times she met her, she didn't really say much. Then on Wed morning when she came upstairs to leave for work, Ashley went running for her saying "gwama". She has adored her every since and she and grandma and Bug had a great time together on Thur. Ashley taking a nap on her 4th day here, she apparently read herself to sleep . She went and stayed with my friend Meegan and her 3 little ones on Friday, she seemed to do w...