Day 4

Today I am thankful for my son's inquisitive mind and willingness to ask questions.

Recently they had a Mork and Mindy marathon on TV, so we recorded it and Bug and I have been watching them together. Well the 1st season was very innocent, with lots of prat falls and plays on words. The one we watched yesterday was a little more mature. it was about a woman who thinks Mork is rich and sets out to seduce him to get his money. Of course Mork is totally oblivious to the advances she is trying to make on him and there is a whole scene of her coming on to him and him totally not getting it. This was filmed in front of a live studio audience so there are laughs all around. Bug was kind of laughing along and then he turned to me and said "why is this supposed to be funny."

Anyways I just briefly explained that she wanted him to be her boyfriend and Mork totally did not understand that. But what struck me most was that he was willing to admit right then and there that he didn't get it, and to ask questions to find out exactly what 'it' was. I think most kids would have just continued to laugh along or say forget it and just stop watching the show.

I also hope this means that we have an open enough relationship that he feels he can ask me or talk to me about anything.

So thank you Bug for being the wonderful smart, inquisitive and open little boy that you are.


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