Day 20

Today I am thankful for being able to home school my son.

Although it can be very frustrating, I truly love the fact that I can home school Bug. I appreciate that they have not taken this basic right away from us as parents. I love watching my son learn new things, seeing that Aha moment is just incredible. It is nice that I have a real working knowledge of what my son knows. What he is good at and what he is struggling with. I don't have to wait for parent teacher conferences, or anybody else to tell me how my boy is doing.

I love choosing what to teach him, and what subjects we want to work on each day. Some days we do a well rounded curriculum and other days we concentrate on one subject. We can get started 1st thing in the morning and be done by lunch, or go do something fun in the morning and work in the afternoon. I love that flexibility.

It is one of the great loves of my life to home school my son.


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