Day 2

Today I am thankful for Holiday decorations. I love decorating my house at this time of year. All my decorations are bear themed and most of them have some special meaning to me. With the size of our house and tree I had to cut back somewhat on decorating. So it was fun to go through all of my boxes (12 large bins in all) and decide what to put out. My tree looks ready to fall over and has way too many ornaments on it but I love them all and had to have them on. I actually now have enough ornaments to decorate 2 trees, so some day when we move to a bigger house I will have to make sure it has room for 2 trees in it.

Also alot of my decorations were gifts or items i picked up on my various travels, so it is extra fun to look at each one and remember the person or place that it came from, they are almost better than pictures.


Uberly Ewe said…
Love to see pictures....or maybe I should just come over hu???

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