Busy weekend.

What a great weekend, busy but fun. We still have both of our girls Sweetpea and Story, we haven't gotten any new information about Sweetpea yet. I have tried to call the Tribe Social Worker, but she has not called me back, so we just continue on like it is any other day. Really it has been a busy week, but I will just tell you about the weekend for now

Yesterday the girls had ballet in the morning, then we all went to a movie with my friend Brenda and her two kids, we also ran into my friend Meegan, her husband James and their 3 kiddos.Then in the afternoon Sweetpea had a birthday party and Story and Bug went to hang out at Brenda's.Then last night Don and Bug went to a Chiefs hockey game and the girls went to date night at St Mathews (a local church) , while I got in a little studying.

Today we had church this morning and I helped out in the girls classroom. Good thing to since we had a ton of new kids in there. I tried to some cleaning done this afternoon but the girls were not in a napping mood. In fact Story ended up finding a marker at nap time and wrote her name on Sweetpea's door, needless to say I was not very happy about this. We finished the day on a positive note though, with Game Night at church. I played a new game called Wits & Wagers and even won, but only because I am a chicken and almost never bet money while everybody else bid consistently throughout the game. Then I bid 100 on my answer on how much Google paid for YouTube I guessed $1.6 bil and it was $1.65 bil., so I won 505 on it, to eventually win the game. It was an interesting game but kind of long. I had actually wanted to play Bunco while I was there but we spent the entire time playing that game. Bug played a couple games on the Wii and played Yahtzee with another group and the girls hung out and played games and watched movies. We didn't get home until almost 9, but it was a ton of fun. I hope they will plan another one for the future.


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