Merry Day after Christmas

Hello I am back and we will see how long I am able to keep it up. It has been over 2 years since I last posted on here and I rediscovered this recently. I discovered FB awhile back and with my hectic life found it easier to put in a quick status update then to write out a post. But after I found this blog again and read through some of my oldest post I realized how much I missed it. This tends to be a little more me, a little funnier and a little more like dear diary. The stuff I post on here was stuff that I wanted to right about for me, where as on FB it tends to be stuff I want other people to know. Not that I don't want other people reading this, it is more like the difference between a quick text to someone and sitting down and writing them a letter by hand. This my letter to you all, that I luckily get to keep a copy of to look back on down the line. 

Obviously a lot has occurred since I last posted so I will just give you the top 10 updates and here they are in no particular order.

  1. We are still foster parents and have a four year old girl (that I will call Sweetpea) who we are hoping to adopt and who has lived with us for over a year and a half.
  2. "A" who lived with us when I last posted was moved to an adoptive home is Sept 2010 (not with the friends I mentioned) and is doing well with the loving support of her adoptive family.
  3. Bug continued at the private school he was attending through the rest of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade.
  4. We returned to homeschooling Bug this fall with lots of help from my mom
  5. My mom moved out a few years ago and lives in a great apartment about 12 minutes from us.
  6. I returned to school in Sept 2010 and will be graduating this Spring and starting my career as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (so long as I pass my board exams).
  7. We have had a total of 8 foster kids, the two that I have mentioned and 3 boys and 3 girls, quite an adventure
  8. I changed churches back in Nov. 2010 and Don started going to a financial planning class with me in Jan 2011 and started attending Church with us after that.
  9. Don became a Christian about a year ago and was baptized last Spring.
  10. Life is good, it has been an adventure and many things have happened, mostly good but also some bad or sad. But that is life and I wouldn't want it any other way.


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