Soccer & Cubscouts

I took Bug to his soccer practice this evening. I am sure his coach is not thrilled with us, because of different things going on the is only the 2nd practice he has made it to and somewhere along the way they moved practice from 6 to 5 so when we got there at 5:50, practice was almost done instead of just getting started. The up side of that is it was done at 6:25 and we were able to head over to the Cub Scout Pack Party at our local elementary school. So Bug is now officially signed up for Cub Scouts, his meetings will be on Mon.

Although I am very excited about this we will be very busy people as he now has school and cubscouts on Mon, swimming lessons and piano on Tue, Soccer Practice on Wed, swimming lessons on Thur, he goes to the babysitter while I work on Fri and has soccer games on Sat and of course Church on Sun. It's a good thing we homeschool and have school done by 11:00 on most days.


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