JBF continued.....

Today i worked my shift at the JBF sale, normally I like working the Sun shift. We are the ones that get everything separated and ready for people to pick up. Unfortunately the gal that was running it today did a horrible job of explaining what to do and this on top of the fact that somehow all of the new people ended up in one area and all the people who have done this before ended up in another area made for a VERY slow take down day. What should have taken up about an hour and a half was still no where close to being done when I left (at the end of my shift) about 3 hours later. Luckily I have a low consigner #, so I was able to get my stuff and head out a little after 6. Oh well hopefully they will learn for the experience and it will be better at the fall sale.

I did get to go to the pre 1/2 price sale last night though and found a ton of great stuff. One of the best things I found are these flash cards for homeschooling. I got 10 different sets, but instead of just showing these to Bug they are made like a whiteboard and he can write the answers on them and then erase them for another day. I also found a set of Scooby-doo phonics beginning readers that I am hoping will inspire Bug to read independently, some new school books and a few other great things. I love the JBF.


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