New jobs

I was reading a new blog site (the lazy organizer) that I got from a friend and was inspired by her posts on organization and starting new habits. So I thought I should combine the 2 and work on keeping my office clean and organized on a daily basis. For anybody who has seen my office they know this is a daunting task. I get it cleaned up about once a month but since there is very little organization in it it always becomes messy again within a few days.In fact I am trying to find my camera to take a before pic, but of course it is such a mess that I can't find it. Oh well I will have to post it when I locate it under the mess. Don't worry I promise not to clean anything until I find it so you can see more clearly what a daunting task this is. (Isn't that a wonderful way to start my new habit).

So my exciting news of the week is that I received a 2nd interview for a job that I am not sure I want. As you who have been reading along with me know I have recently opened my own business which has been doing well so far. Well I was looking through the classifieds for garage sale ads and stumbled across an ad for a full time LMP at a hospital about 80 miles away. So I thought to myself isn't that funny I should apply to see what happens. Well I went in for a 1st interview last Thur and got called back for a 2nd interview on Fri. So tomorrow I will drive 80 miles and do my best and see what comes of it. I'm very conflicted about the job but feel like I should really give it my all and see where the chips fall, before sitting down to make out a pro and con list about it. So wish me luck on my interview tomorrow.


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