Aahhh, calm at last...(somewhat)

Well things have calmed down a bit around here. I officially put in my notice today and my check finally cleared on Fri (the 8th), which took a huge load off my shoulders. They did not fire me immediately so I will be working tomorrow. It might have helped that I dropped off my notice without talking to any one so they couldn't fire me on the spot.

The Liberty Lake garage sale went well, I didn't find any big things but I bought tons of smaller things. I have already sold about 1/2 of it, but I have a few key items that haven't drummed up much interest yet. I will see what happens this week and then re list them on Friday if I have to.

Oh I do have two bad notes to make. 1st is that I have lost my wedding ring, but I have been too chicken to tell my husband yet. I actually lost it last Wed but kept hoping it would show up, I have now pretty much lost all hope. The 2nd bad thing is that either my husband or I misplaced 50.00 last night, of course I blame my husband. We pretty much tore the house apart today and couldn't find it. I guess it's a good thing my head is screwed on or it would be the next thing to go.

I'm really hoping life will calm down a bit now and when it does my memory and concentration will come back. Life is hectic and I feel disorganized, which makes life feel more hectic and on and on. It a vicious circle that seems hard to get out of. My friend Brenda always seems so organized I guess I will have to get a few pointers from her.

Speaking of Brenda we went to her house and had Barbecue with her and her family last Sun. Of course I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off all day before going but we had a wonderful time over there. It was very relaxing, the food was delicious and the boys played well together. What more could you ask for on a Sun afternoon.

Today I haven't accomplished much because I kind of figured (or maybe just hoped) that I wouldn't be working this week. Cole and I did go for a bike ride today. Last week we found a trail a bike for him. That is one of those things that look like 1/2 a bike , you connect it to your bike and it turns it into a tandem bike (see side pic) for you and your child. He just loves this thing and this is our 2nd time out on it. This time I tried to go find this trail that someone told me was near our house and a nice easy ride. We found it and I will never listen to this person again! It had some really killer hills on it and I have not done any serious bike riding in over 5 years, I was so exhausted when we finally made it back. My son kept asking "why are we stopping? Why are we going so slow?" I just wanted to tell him because MOMMY IS DYING!!! Of course we just had a conversation about persevering this afternoon so I just told him "Mommy is trying her best." We definitely will have to get out more often this summer, we just need to find flatter trails.

I hope you all have had a nice weekend that continues into a wonderful week.


Uberly Ewe said…
what a cool bike!!!
I hope that you can find some flat areas to ride your bike on.
Me being organized is all and optical illusion. I really feel just as disorganized as you do all the time. I felt like I was the one running around with my head cut off after Bug during dinner. I was rather embarrased because of it. Cole was such a good kid sitting so nicely on the picnic bench. I will keep working on getting Bug to sit during dinner time, and remind myself not to compair him to all the other calm kids in the world. LOL!

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