Off to school.

January is over and February is here. I know it's a cliche, but the older I get the faster time goes. We had a very busy January getting everything in order for Bug to head off to his 1st day at his new private school.

We had his annual testing done to see where he's at for the year, he did really well. He scored excellent in reading and is all caught up in math, right where he should be. I guess all that money for the private math teacher last year paid off. We also skied every Mon and Fri except one of each when the Gondola broke down and we had to miss a couple of days. Skiing is going good, he is improving each time and has gotten so adventuresome that I get a little nervous some times.

He has been playing basketball through Upwards and his games are on Sat mornings, a little early for us but it's fun to watch. Big difference between last year and this, not just in skill but in overall excitement of the games. Much faster moving this year.

So on Monday Bug started at his new school, he loves it, I'm happy for him but definitely miss him during the day. He only has to go 4 days a week so we still ski together on Fridays. This week he finished up his assessments to figure out where he is in their curriculum. He has a couple of small skills that he has to go back and learn but overall he is right where he is supposed to be. He should have all of his new books next week. I like this school because the kids work at whatever level they are at. There are (approx) 12 books for each subject and when your done with the books for that grade you move on to the next, whether that is at the end of the year, the middle of the year or sometime into the next year. The class is also 2-6 grade, so there is mixed ages to play with. Unfortunately right now there are only 2 boys in class, but that can change anytime, last year it was mostly boys, so we'll see.

This week he also got to go on his 1st field trip, they took the whole school ice skating. I tagged along but let Bug go in the school van with his new buds. We hadn't ice skated in awhile so it took him time to remember how, but by the end he was off chasing the other kids around the rink. Everybody seems really nice and they all tell me what a nice boy Bug is. Next week they will go have PE down at the Warehouse a big open gym downtown and then on Thur his class will have a valentine's party, so he should have another good week.

Ashley has been doing well also. We have been very busy so there was a week there that she was pretty fussy and clingy, but I have been making a point of spending more time with her so she has come around. She has become quite the chatter bug, she loves to follow me around and "help" me. Sometimes this can be great as she is really good at carrying things and taking them where you ask her, but sometimes it's a pain as she is under foot or bringing me things that I don't need. She has such a great grin that it is usually easy to forgive her. The one thing I have noticed that is so different about her versus Bug is that she gets into EVERYTHING. You can't leave her alone in a room without her picking things up or opening drawers or touching things. Bug has never been that way, he could hang out in our room and watch a show and never touch anything but the pillows and blanket. She will go through everything on the bedside tables, get into drawers and move everything around. Very frustrating.

I am planning on taking her roller skating tonight and hopefully that will give me a good idea of how she would do skiing. She has really been wanting to go with us so I am planning to take her maybe this Friday or next but am not sure how she will do. She likes to do things with us and overall is pretty hardy about outdoor things. But she can also be quite the whiner and give up easily if she is not in the mood to do something, so I will see how she does tonight and hopefully that will give me an idea of how she would do skiing.

As far as whats going on with her she has a court date coming up around the beginning of Mar, I don't get the feeling that much is going to change at this time, but who knows. It's all up to the judge really. Her social worker is coming by on Mon to see her morning routine, since she still cries for most of the 1st hour to hour and a half of the day. That way she can give the court a better idea of what her father would have to deal with if he had her back. I guess we'll see how it goes.


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