Days 2 with Ashley

Today was a pretty mellow day around here. Ashley slept through the night, although she must have woken up at some point because we closed her door completely after she fell asleep and when I got up at 6:30 it was open but she was still in bed sleeping. She is an early riser and gets up around 7 and comes out to hang out with me. We gave her a bath for the 1st time which I had been warned was something she did not like. It went much better than I thought it would. No high pitched screaming or kicking or anything, she didn't want to sit down in the bathtub and would whine when I poured the water on her. But overall she did really well.

When I got her out of the bath and dried her off I slathered her up with lotion since she seems to have a touch of eczema. Then we got on her diaper, (she is not potty trained yet) and got dressed. She even let me put her hair in 2 little piggie tails, very cute. We had a bit of confusion with getting dressed, since she wanted to pick something out of her jammie drawer instead of getting clothes out of the closet, but we got it worked out.

She had a visit with her dad today from 10-12 (she goes on Tue & Thur) and came back in a fairly good mood. Unfortunately when I asked if she had been fed lunch they said no, but she had been given cookies and crackers and juice. I can tell that is going to be a difficulty, since she has been fed on mac n cheese and chicken nuggets for most of her life. We are trying to work really hard to get her used to a better more healthy diet.

Anyways after a good lunch I put her down for a nap, she sleeps for about an hour and a half. After nap she got up to play and hang out downstairs while Bug finished up with his schooling. I had to head to work for a bit in the evening so uncle Martin watched the kids for a little bit between when I left and when Don got home. After work Don headed to the fire dept so I made pancakes and eggs for me and the kids. Ashley is very interested in cooking and constantly asks me questions about everything I do and then repeats the last few words of anything I say. She seemed very excited about me making eggs, but when dinner came she ate the pancake and wouldn't touch the egg, when I suggested she eat one bite, it was not a pretty sight. I tried sneaking a bite into her mouth and she grabbed it out of her mouth and wiped her tongue off again and again, saying "don't like, don't like." Oh well I guess we will just have to go with the exposure method, if the food is on her plate enough times eventually she may try some. (BTW she also reacted the same way the night before when I suggested she try some veggies, though i didn't sneak any in on her that time.

After dinner the kids played for a bit and then I got Ashley ready for bed, she takes quite awhile to fall asleep, I don't know if that is just the usual for her, or if she normally had a late bedtime, or if I am missing something in her normal bedtime routine, (ie. music, a particular stuffed animal, fan or white noise, etc). She is fairly quiet about it and if she gets up and peeks out the door I just tell her it's bedtime and she goes and lays back down. She cried for a minute or less this evening for daddy, but I think it was just because she had seen him today and after I went in and reminded her it was bedtime, she quited down and eventually fell asleep.


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