My protector's

See I told you I need someone watching over me, the neighbors even think so. I have been getting things done around the house today and running in and out taking stuff out to the garage or car. Anyways I am downstairs putting stuff away and I hear a hello coming from upstairs and I figure it's Kent, (he has a key and tends to come in and yell for us). So I come upstairs to find a local cop standing in my kitchen. Apparently a neighbor or someone called them concerned because I had left the doors open on my car and to the garage. While I'm visiting with the cop another neighbor stopped by to make sure everything was OK, because a woman had stopped by a couple of times looking at a desk I have out front. I guess it's just me but if you leave something out front with no price or anything on it, I assume it's free. Anyways after the cop and neighbor left I went and shut all the door and put a sign on the desk that says FREE, hopefully that clears up any confusion. I can't wait till my hubby gets back home.


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