A great day.

Today was a great day. It started off with a very interesting MOMS club activity that my friend Meegan did, she did a mini lecture to show us how to plan out meals for a month. I am the worst planner in general especially at planning out dinner. I swear every night 5:00 rolls around and I think "oh crap I have to do dinner again". This lecture was very helpful to me, now if I can just plan out some time to plan out my meals.

Anyways after that Bug and I headed out to go skiing with my friend Lisa, her husband and three boys. The morning was pretty much just hanging out on the bunny slope, Lisa decided to work on snowboarding and her husband skied their youngest around. In the afternoon Lisa and the youngest decided to take a break, so Gary and I headed up with the 3 boys and I showed them some of our favorite runs. It was a blast! Gary is a good skier and with him all the boys were inspired and we all just flew down the runs. I love to go fast when I am skiing. Plus it was a beautiful day to boot and Bug and I closed down the mountain once again, being the last ones up the lift.

After that we headed back to town to get to Bug's basketball practice, where we had a substitute coach. I really appreciated him. Bug has a really hard time shooting the ball and he spent quite a bit of time working with Bug trying to help him figure it out. It was wonderful to see


Meegan said…
I'm glad you liked my class. I would be happy to help you complete your meal list and get a calendar going for you. Just let me know when.
Uberly Ewe said…
oh I am kicking myself....i wish I could have gone to the MOMS club meal prep class.

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