Welcome the domestic goddess!!!

As anyone who knows me knows, I am not much when it comes to domestic things. So today i am so proud of myself. This week on Mon we went up to a local farm with my MOMS club friends and picked 12 pounds of strawberries. After I got home I thought what the heck am i going to do with all of these. So 1st I took the biggest, ripest ones and washed and stemmed them then put them in the freezer to freeze and use later in my smoothies. Then I stemmed and cut up another batch to make strawberry shortcake. At this point I still probably had 7 lbs left. So I got online and looked up recipes to make freezer jam and on Thursday I made 4 1 1/2C containers of fresh low sugar freezer jam and they turned out delicious. I then cut up the rest of them and set them aside to bring to Bunco on Friday for strawberry shortcake. Who knew I had so much dommesticity in me.


Meegan said…
I'm so proud of you! Your shortcake was very yummy, by the way! Thanks for sharing it!
Uberly Ewe said…
you are soooo cute!!!! I can't wait to try out your jam!

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