The garage sale "Queen" has returned.

Due to all the weird weather we have had around here this spring, I have not been able to go garage saleing the way I usually do, but have been making up for that the last 2 weekends. On the 14th was one of my favorite garage sale events. There is a little town by us named Liberty that the entire town has a sale usually over 250 houses participate. So I was up at 6 in the morning dressed and on the way. I was there just before 7 as people were just setting up. The toys I look for are getting harder to find lately or they are too much money. I did hit the jack pot right at the beginning though. There was a man who had some toys just sitting out at the corner, he had 1/2 a big toy, a car and a slide all for 20.00. All of which I turned around and sold for 100.00. It was a good start to the day. Since mom is not working as much lately I have hired her to go to other garage sales and look for stuff. She did fine her 1st weekend and made over 20.00 but this weekend she got desperate and bought a bunch of junk and then turned around and lost 80.00, poor mom when it rains it pours. Luckily she did get a couple good things and that payed back most of the money that I gave her, so she wasn't out to much except gas. Overall it was avery successful weekend and we earned enough to pay for our upcoming camping trip. Bug even did well he bought a kitchen for 2.00 that I turned around and sold for 10.00, a garage sale king in the making.


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