Merry Christmas to all and to all a good gift frenzy.

Merry Christmas or at least merry Christmas eve. Bug is sleeping in this morning so I figured I would catch up on my blogging. Everything is basically ready around here. I do need to go pick up a few food items but other than that everything is done. Of course just as a I write that i think of 5 other things I need to do: wrap a couple more presents, stuff some stockings, get a goody tray ready for Blue's work, etc....

We will be having Christmas at our house tomorrow, the only downer is that Blue has to work today and tomorrow. You gotta love the transit system around here, (he is a bus driver, if I haven't mentioned that before). So today we will run around and finish things up, then go to our Christmas Eve Church Service at 5. Then when Blue gets home we will cook up some pizza and after dinner we will open our stockings. In the morning we will just be hanging out until he gets home around 1 then we will have a nice lunch/brunch and then the gift frenzy will begin. Actually we are pretty sedate with our gift opening we hand out presents and then take turns watching as people open them. We will have my mom and uncle (of course), and my cousin Jamie (without her boys) and then Blue, Bug and myself. It should be fun.

I have been worrying lately if Blue would like his gifts I bought him, since it was something he asked for last year. Then yesterday totally out of the blue he asked for it again, so hopefully that means he will like them. You never know with these things until he opens them, he can be very picky so that even if it is what he wants, it's not necessarily the one that he wants. Oh well I guess I will find out tomorrow.

We also ended up scaling back on Bug's Xmas, no new 4 wheeler and no new dog, but with 20 presents to open I'm sure he'll be fine. He is getting the handheld version of the Vsmile, which he has been asking for for about a year. Since it is just from me I will probably let him open it up tomorrow morning before his dad gets home to give him something to do. We usually each buy him a couple things just from ourselves and then everything else is from both of us. It's almost a mini competition of who will pick the best gift each year. (Blue and I are very competitive with each other), sometimes he wins and sometimes I win and there has even been occasion where grandma has won. Either way it gives him a variety of gifts from different perspectives on his life.

So it looks like we are going to have a white Christmas around here after all. Last week it warmed up and melted away most of the snow that had been accumulating around here since the beginning of the month. I was starting to get a little worried and then yesterday it decided to dump on us again. So it is looking nice and white around here again. We even had a chance to go make a snowman yesterday. Also we are all taking a day off and going skiing on Thur. The 1st trip of the year, I am so excited!

Well Bug is awake now and finishing his breakfast, so I better get going. That way we can get started on his schooling for the day. I know, I know what a mean mommy doing school on Xmas break, but honestly he doesn't mind and since he has never been to public school he doesn't know the difference anyway, heck I think we may even do a little language arts tomorrow, it's his favorite subject so he will probably think of it as a treat. Ha ha ha.

Merry Christmas all!


Uberly Ewe said…
Merry Christmas! To you all.
Glad that we are friends.
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