All is calm

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I ended up being offered that position, but after much soul searching decided to turn it down. I felt it was just too much upheaval for my family. My husband was gone the day I needed to make a decision, so when he got home he said "I though of another con against taking the job" (We had bought season passes to a local ski resort for next year). So I said "that's OK I have decided not to take the job" and he said "OK", no fanfare or anything.
I still wasn't completely sure I had made the right decision until the next day when my best friend Mike finally got around to calling me back and when I told him about the job and the things I was thinking he agreed totally that I shouldn't have taken the job, that gave me peace of mind. Thank god for friends!

Anyway we have had a great couple weeks around here, my nephew came over for hoop fest (a big 3 on 3 basketball tournament around here) and ended up winning the championship for his bracket. I then took him and 2 of his friends back to the coast and brought my niece (his sister) over to visit for a week. We had a fun but busy week, we went shopping and had our nails done, went to a local amusement park, went out on my best friends boat water skiing and tubing during the day on the 4th and then went to a barbecue and to a local fireworks show that evening. Thur we had 100 degree weather and hung out at home. Friday we went to a local park and floated down the river, Sat I worked and then we went to a local park and played in the fountain and rode the rides. Sun we went to church and played outside and Mon we went to a showing of Charlotte's Web and then my mom took her back to the coast.

This week has seemed very calm in comparison. Work has been going fairly well, I have had consistent customers a few no shows and cancels recently which is always a stress, but over all it going pretty well. Hopefully it will continue to build and prosper, I just need to get the word out there that I am there and a few word of mouth referrals and everything should be golden.

The highlight of my week was seeing the new Harry Potter movie, I'm not going to tell you about it in case someone who hasn't seen it yet reads this (I hate spoilers). But I will say that the movie was great and overall fairly true to the book. It was long though (2 1/2 hours) but we didn't notice until I looked at the clock in the car, the movie didn't drag along at any point and had some really neat touches. It has made me all the more excited for the 7th and final book of the series. Which just happens to come out around the time of my birthday (what a nice birthday gift, Hint, Hint).

I am hosting a moms night out for my MOMS group tomorrow, we are having a sleepover/pajama party at a local hotel. At this point there is only 5 ladies coming but it should still be fun. I have to work that day and then hurry and get everything ready in time for the party. Luckily my good friend Brenda is going to take my boy for the afternoon and keep him over night. I am so grateful to her as this will make my life so much easier. Otherwise I was going to have to pick him up during a 2 hour break in my day and drive him to another friends house about 50 minutes away turn around and get back in time for my next massage and then drive out there again in the morning to pick him up. Hopefully things go smoothly tomorrow night and everyone has a good time.


Shelley said…
ALyson... you won on my blog! please email me your contact info!

Are you a scrapper?

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