
My mom found the cards her parents recieved when she was born back in 1949 with their 3 cent stamps on them. One of them was particularily cute so I thought I would share it with you.

The card reads: " A lullaby for you and baby, with all the best wishes. According to a lot of books on babies, it is true. That singing baby lullabies is rigidly taboo, but there are times when all else fails. So tuched in here you'll find a copy of a lullaby. The very latest kind".

Then tucked inside the card is a little book with this song in it.

"A Modern Lullaby,"
Author's Note:
The following is a sample of a modern lullaby.
(For best results, sing louder when baby starts to cry.)
1. Rock-a-bye ba-by, time for re-pose. Close your mouth dar-ling, breath through your nose. Moth-er's hy-gein-ic germs can't come near. She gar-gles first, then kiss-es your ear.
2.Rock-a-bye ba-by, tucked in your bed, moth-er will keep you health-ful-ly fed.
Vit-am-in con-scious care-ful is she, you'll have them all, from A clear to Z.
3. Rock-a-bye ba-by don't cry and fret, For if your germ-proof pan-ties get wet.
Mother will change them dear, right away. The laun-dry brings us twelve ev-ery day.
4. Rock-a-bye ba-by, still wide a-wake. How man-y hours of this does it take?
Dar-ling have mer-cy, go to sleep soon. Moth-er's so tired of sing-ing this tune.
Isn't it reassuring to know not much has changed in 58 years. Remember to sing you kid a silly lullaby tonight.


Uberly Ewe said…
I will have to try singing this song to Bug and see if it helps him to take his naps. He has suddenly stopped taking them. Two days in a row now....but he is sleeping through the night and sleeping I am not to sure I mind to much that he is not taking his naps.

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